Quality and Environment

Protecting the environment, improving safe working conditions and preventing pollution are consistently among the company's top priorities.

Environmental strategy

Thinking responsibly throughout the whole product life-cycle process.

Product life-cycle

We strive to extend the life of our products through high-quality materials, technologies, and professional and reliable AfterSales service. With this, we engage in activities that contribute to the circular economy and have a less significant overall impact on our products than the other effects created during the individual steps of the production process.


We actively support initiatives that work on activities contributing to helping the natural environment, and we regularly try to develop new ideas for more ecological behaviour in the company.
The fundamental for us is waste sorting and choosing energy-saving solutions in all company spaces. During corporate events, we strictly avoid non-recyclable disposable items, and even when assembling complementary gifts, we choose products of local production, ecological packaging and practical use.
We strive to maximise the efficiency of using electric energy through more economical devices and when purchasing company vehicles, we prefer investments in electric cars and plug-in hybrids.

Waste management

The aim of the company is, among other things, to ensure that the largest possible share of the waste generated is transferred for material or energy recovery. 

Only 11% of LINET’s waste production goes to landfill, 85% is recyclable waste, and 4% of waste is used for energy.


The amount of wastewater released into the natural environment aligns with LINET’s long-term water management goals. The quality of wastewater remains at a sustainable level due to compliance with the currently permissible levels of pollutants. 
We want to improve the quality of discharge by operating a new wastewater treatment plant and strictly avoid emergencies that result in deterioration of the condition or endangerment of underground or surface water.

Materials and Packaging

LINET produces only from materials with minimal environmental impact - they do not contain dangerous substances based on cadmium, mercury, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls or freons.
None of the wooden parts is madefrom tropical woods (such as mahogany, rosewood, ebony, teak, etc.) or wood originating from the Amazon region or similar rainforests. 
Products contain recyclable steel, plastic and electronic components - for the purpose of optimal recycling at the end of the product’s life cycle.

Transport and Shipping

We are working on creating a distribution network that is efficient, safe and environmentally friendly – we are committed to reducing fuel consumption, so we are working with suppliers on two-sided improvements as much as possible. 

We also encourage using low-carbon corporate cars and actively encourage employees to ride bicycles or cars together and use public transport.

Carbon footprint

We constantly seek measures aimed at carbon neutrality while reducing the consumption of energy and natural resources, raw materials and waste generation to maximise the use of renewable resources.
We are dedicated to improving the efficiency of LINET’s operations and saving energy in individual production activities.

Certified quality management system

In LINET Group, we have implemented an integrated management system to ensure the highest possible quality of our products, and independent international certification authorities have confirmed its effectiveness. 
LINET proudly holds QMS (Quality System Management) and EMS (Environmental Management System) certificates according to the international standards ISO, MDSAP and MDR.
We operate under the environmental management system that complies with the internationally recognised ISO 14001 standards.

Medical device regulation

The MDR introduces new and stricter requirements for the placement of medical devices and their distribution within the EU with the main goal to improve clinical safety and traceability of all medical devices.
It also introduces the new central European Database on Medical Devices (EUDAMED), where all medical devices placed on the EU market will be registered, and much more.
In August 2021 we have already succesfully passed quality system audit according Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Medical Devices (MDR).


We are strongly committed to setting our values and goals towards focusing on social and environmental issues as we do on profits and economic growth. Protecting the environment, improving safe working conditions and providing excellent governance are consistently among the company’s top priorities.

E = environment
S = social
G = governance


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