Ethics and Compliance

LINET Group and all its subsidiaries are comitted to honestly perform business activities, without using corrupt practices or bribery and to establish and maintain an effective Compliance program. 

Ethics and Compliance Strategy

Modern Slavery

At LINET UK, we are committed to upholding the
highest standards of ethics and compliance in all our
operations. Our approach to combating modern
slavery is rooted in our dedication to legal, ethical,
corporate social, and basic human rights obligations.
For more information, please refer to our full ‘Ethics
Policy Statement’ (Inclusive of modern slavery) from
our materials to download below:

Business Continuity

LINET Business Continuity Plan incorporates the Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery during critical incident and its effect.
The objectives of this plan are to:
– undertake risk management assessment
– define and prioritisecritical business functions
– detail immediate response to a critical incident
– detail strategies and actions to be taken to enable LINET to stay in business

Code of conduct

Our Code of Business Conduct sets forth the guidelines we need to follow in order to uphold the law and act according to the highest ethical standards in our daily business activities.

Customer satisfaction

Because customer feedback is critical to us, we launched a customer satisfaction survey that measures the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure customer satisfaction to understand how our customers perceive our products and services.
Our overall NPS results of 32, considered above average in B2B businesses.

Financial reporting

At LINET, we establish and maintain internal controls over financial reporting to manage and preserve our business and assets and to ensure the integrity and reliability of our financial reporting processes and information. 


We constantly look for new technical solutions and improvements that make us unique and unbeatable. However, we still stand by our goal to maintain focus on enhancing patient outcomes and improving caregiver workflow. Therefore, our products are designed so a customer can make maximum use of the technological and functional potential of LINET products.

LINET is a holder of 72 patents and 94 trademarks.

Supplier selection

Before establishing every partnership, we perform an audit that inspects the supplier’s compliance with our criteria. We review their business credibility, workplace environment and production operations. Naturally, we consider the specifications of individual offers, contracts and the quality and certifications of the products. 
With our key suppliers, we operate an automatic monthly feedback system that comprehensively evaluates suppliers’ performance.
80-90% of our suppliers are from EU. 

Ethics hotline

We want to build mutual trust. That's why we have introduced a whistleblower protection programme that allows you to report breaches anonymously. Both our employees and, for example, our business partners can take advantage of this option.  
The basis of the whistleblower protection is the ethics hotline, which is operated for us by BDO Audit s.r.o., ID No. 45314381. By clicking on the link you can anonymously submit a report or follow the processing of a report already submitted. 
Details of who can submit a notification, what can be notified, how the notification is handled and how your personal data is protected can be found here.


We are strongly committed to setting our values and goals towards focusing on social and environmental issues as we do on profits and economic growth. Protecting the environment, improving safe working conditions and providing excellent governance are consistently among the company’s top priorities.

E = environment
S = social
G = governance


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